The European Photo Exhibition Award - epea for short - aims to create a free space where socially relevant topics concerning Europe are developed and discussed by talented young European photographers. … More
The photographers
Arianna Arcara (Italy), Pierfrancesco Celada (Italy), Marthe Aune Eriksen (Norway), Jakob Ganslmeier (Germany), Margarida Gouveia (Portugal), Marie Hald (Denmark), Dominic Hawgood (United Kingdom), Robin Hinsch (Germany), Ildikó Péter (Hungary), Eivind H. Natvig (Norway), Marie Sommer (France) and Christina Werner (Austria).

Past exhibitions
May 20th – August 28th 2016:
Paris, Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian – Délégation en France
October 15th – December 11th 2016:
Viareggio (Lucca), Villa Argentina – Provincia di Lucca, Via Antonio Fratti, angolo Via Amerigo Vespucci n. 44, Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca
March 3rd – May 1st 2017:
Hamburg, Haus der Photographie der Deichtorhallen
September 15th – January 28th 2018:
Oslo, Nobel Peace Center